Define Test inventory item and assigned to GIT inventory organization
Make sure that on Costing tab, the ‘Inventory Asset Value’ is being checked
Create an approve a PO for Test item qty = 100, unit price = 100
IMPORTANT: After the PO is being approved, the field LCM_FLAG on PO_LINES_LOCATIONS_ALL table should become
‘Y’, otherwise will not be found in LCM module.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that Invoice Match Option = Receipt on the PO Shipment line.
Under Landed Cost Management responsibility, go to Workbench – Shipments
- Select Inventory Organization, then ‘Go’
On next page, click on Create button:
On Create Shipment page, on Header section, enter Operating Unit, LCM Shipment Type (i.e. SHIP), Receiving
- On Line Groups, enter a Group Reference identifier (any text), Source Type = Purchase Order, Third party as the PO
supplier, and its Site (last 2 information to be taken from PO header) then Apply changes
- go to Lines tab
On the Lines tab, go to section Find Expected Shipment Lines and enter the Purchase order number, then click on Go
Once the Shipment line is being retrieved, selected and Save the LCM Shipment
After LCM Shipment is saved, we can execute Generate Charges action
-Next, perform the Validation action by selecting Validation value from Actions LOV and click on GO button
Next action is to Calculate charges
Once the Calculation was done, we can view Landed Cost
-On Allocation page, we can verify the Estimated Amounts and total Unit Landed Cost ;
To return to Shipment Header page, select ‘Return to Shipment’ link
- Finally,we ‘Complete’ the Shipment by executing the Submit action.
- Once the Shipment has been submitted, it can no longer be updated. Optionally, we can review the charges:
When executing the Submit action, Receiving Transaction Processor is being run
Make sure that on Costing tab, the ‘Inventory Asset Value’ is being checked
Create an approve a PO for Test item qty = 100, unit price = 100
IMPORTANT: After the PO is being approved, the field LCM_FLAG on PO_LINES_LOCATIONS_ALL table should become
‘Y’, otherwise will not be found in LCM module.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that Invoice Match Option = Receipt on the PO Shipment line.
Under Landed Cost Management responsibility, go to Workbench – Shipments
- Select Inventory Organization, then ‘Go’
On next page, click on Create button:
On Create Shipment page, on Header section, enter Operating Unit, LCM Shipment Type (i.e. SHIP), Receiving
- On Line Groups, enter a Group Reference identifier (any text), Source Type = Purchase Order, Third party as the PO
supplier, and its Site (last 2 information to be taken from PO header) then Apply changes
- go to Lines tab
On the Lines tab, go to section Find Expected Shipment Lines and enter the Purchase order number, then click on Go
Once the Shipment line is being retrieved, selected and Save the LCM Shipment
After LCM Shipment is saved, we can execute Generate Charges action
-Next, perform the Validation action by selecting Validation value from Actions LOV and click on GO button
Next action is to Calculate charges
Once the Calculation was done, we can view Landed Cost
-On Allocation page, we can verify the Estimated Amounts and total Unit Landed Cost ;
To return to Shipment Header page, select ‘Return to Shipment’ link
- Finally,we ‘Complete’ the Shipment by executing the Submit action.
- Once the Shipment has been submitted, it can no longer be updated. Optionally, we can review the charges:
When executing the Submit action, Receiving Transaction Processor is being run
Perform the normal PO receipt through the standard Receipts form
- Note that on Find Expected Receipts form, we have to specifically select Source Type = LCM and then, in Shipment
field, look for LCM Shipments to be received.
Normally, it is considered that, selecting Source Type = All, we should be able to see expected data. However, for
the moment, we need to specifically select Source Type = LCM, to access LCM shipments to be received.
- Further, select the line to be received, enter required information for subinventory, location and lot and save the
In OPM Financials, submit Landed Cost Adjustments Import Process
Then, running Actual Cost processor
When checking cost for test item, cost should appear fine(inclusive of estimated)
Invoicing part:
Enter 2 invoices in Payables: one to be matched with Item line type and second to be matched with Freight and
Miscellaneous (for insurance) line types.
- Under Payables Super User responsibility, go to Invoices – Entry – Invoices
- First, enter invoice header details for the invoice to be matches with Item line type;
- After entering the invoice header details, click on Match button;
- On Matching form, select Type = Item, enter the receipt and click Find:
- Select the line to be matched, change the unit price accordingly if you have any change else leave it as it is and click on Match button:
- Once the matched line has been added to the invoice, go to Actions button and select Validate option
- And the first invoice has been validated:
- Now, enter a new invoice for LCM charges
After entering invoice header details, click on match button to add matched invoice lines;
- First, select Type(whatever line type you have used) = Freight and same receipt number , then click Find:
- On Match Other Charges to Receipts form, enter Cost Factor Name (Example: LCM Freight Charges) and related amount for
freight ;
above steps need to be repeated if you use miscellaneous as invoice type
Next steps are to import actual invoice prices into Landed Cost Management application.
- First, we need to run Matches Interface Import request
-The request log file confirms that the 4 transactions found in INL_MATCHES_INT table have been processed (and
removed from this table):
-If we are checking the LCM Shipment number concerned in LCM Workbench, we will notice that ‘Pending Matching’ flag is
now checked
- Next step is to run ‘Submit Pending Shipments’ request from LCM responsibility:
- The log file confirms that LCM shipment has been processed:
-If we query the LCM Shipment number 3 in LCM Workbench, we can see the actual amounts:
Perform the normal PO receipt through the standard Receipts form
- Note that on Find Expected Receipts form, we have to specifically select Source Type = LCM and then, in Shipment
field, look for LCM Shipments to be received.
Normally, it is considered that, selecting Source Type = All, we should be able to see expected data. However, for
the moment, we need to specifically select Source Type = LCM, to access LCM shipments to be received.
- Further, select the line to be received, enter required information for subinventory, location and lot and save the
In OPM Financials, submit Landed Cost Adjustments Import Process
Then, running Actual Cost processor
When checking cost for test item, cost should appear fine(inclusive of estimated)
Invoicing part:
Enter 2 invoices in Payables: one to be matched with Item line type and second to be matched with Freight and
Miscellaneous (for insurance) line types.
- Under Payables Super User responsibility, go to Invoices – Entry – Invoices
- First, enter invoice header details for the invoice to be matches with Item line type;
- After entering the invoice header details, click on Match button;
- On Matching form, select Type = Item, enter the receipt and click Find:
- Select the line to be matched, change the unit price accordingly if you have any change else leave it as it is and click on Match button:
- Once the matched line has been added to the invoice, go to Actions button and select Validate option
- And the first invoice has been validated:
- Now, enter a new invoice for LCM charges
After entering invoice header details, click on match button to add matched invoice lines;
- First, select Type(whatever line type you have used) = Freight and same receipt number , then click Find:
- On Match Other Charges to Receipts form, enter Cost Factor Name (Example: LCM Freight Charges) and related amount for
freight ;
above steps need to be repeated if you use miscellaneous as invoice type
Next steps are to import actual invoice prices into Landed Cost Management application.
- First, we need to run Matches Interface Import request
-The request log file confirms that the 4 transactions found in INL_MATCHES_INT table have been processed (and
removed from this table):
-If we are checking the LCM Shipment number concerned in LCM Workbench, we will notice that ‘Pending Matching’ flag is
now checked
- Next step is to run ‘Submit Pending Shipments’ request from LCM responsibility:
- The log file confirms that LCM shipment has been processed:
-If we query the LCM Shipment number 3 in LCM Workbench, we can see the actual amounts:
In OPM Financials, re-running Landed Cost Adjustments Import Process
Make sure that fiscal policy is set sa Book inventory at receipt price(no ppv)
Run actual cost process
cost update,
opm accounting preprocesser and then Detailed subledger report or transaction diagnostic script for Tested PO.
In OPM Financials, re-running Landed Cost Adjustments Import Process
Make sure that fiscal policy is set sa Book inventory at receipt price(no ppv)
Run actual cost process
cost update,
opm accounting preprocesser and then Detailed subledger report or transaction diagnostic script for Tested PO.
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